Since I was a little girl, I have been fortunate enough to be surrounded and influenced by many amazing people. Their creativity, insight, encouragement, and support, have shaped who I am today. Throughout my life, these amazing people have loaned me their lens to see the world from a different point of view. They have been the driving force that urges me to venture into the unknown, and they have always been there to share a cup when I need a push, a shove, a shoulder, an ear, advice, laughter or company. These amazing people are the kind of people that I take with me wherever I go. These are the kind of amazing people that can let years go by without checking in, and yet, we pick up exactly where we left off. These are the kind of amazing people that call you out of the blue or drop you a line, or show up at your doorstep unexpectedly. These are the kind of amazing people that you find yourself saying “when I grow up, I want to be just like them.” These are the kind of amazing people like Rhoda London.
Rhoda poured her whole heart, body and soul into her work. She was honest, talented, trusting, smart, funny, headstrong, successful, confident and beautiful. I always admired her style, her thick skin and her can-do, will-do attitude. Rhoda always encouraged me to be me. She always told me to keep creating, to keep painting, and challenged me to find the meaning behind my work. Rhoda was a very special person in my life and I am honored to have called her my friend.
This cup is for Rhoda: a truly amazing person.
I will carry you in my heart (always).
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