This is not the flying down the mountain on a sled kind of woosh!–but the sound of deadlines flying
by and the year coming to an end. This kind of woosh! is the hustle and bustle of everyone trying to cram
everything in before the ball drops, or before everyone drops the ball. I am
supposed to be working–or standing in line buying presents–or packing to head
for home for the holidays. But instead I just made lists of everything I needed
to do and then did nothing.
Frankly–I am a little burnt out. Last week I decorated my
apartment with twinkle lights–a new strand fresh out of the box. But when I got
them all hung up and plugged them in there was one little light that was burnt
out. I got grumpy and fed up thinking, how could this be? The box was BRAND
NEW! Can’t one thing just go right? Where is the holiday cheer if I can’t even
get a strand of new lights to work? But then I realized–that little light was
me–the little light that is just too burnt out from all the hubbub.
When I was little I was organized. I had my dolls dressed up
and ready for the holidays well before December, I made Christmas cards, I
insisted on getting a tree way too early, I cranked up the Christmas music so
loud the neighbors next door could hear it, and I had a wish list that
included: lip gloss, glitter nail polish, and hair scrunchies. More than a decade has gone by and all I can muster is a half
burnt out strand of Christmas lights and a wish list that includes but is not
limited to:
Trees, Mountains and Ocean
A good book
A big cup of coffee
World Peace
Time with my yellow lab
…And possibly a strand of lights that actually turn on
This cup is for all the Dads out there hanging up the
Christmas lights–mine included